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Bisnow Wins 10 Real Estate Journalism Awards For Its 2022 Coverage

Bisnow won 10 awards at the National Association of Real Estate Editors Journalism Awards ceremony in Las Vegas Thursday. The 10 honors put this year in a tie with 2021 for the most awards ever won by the reporting team at the annual competition. 

NAREE awarded Bisnow one gold medal, three bronze medals and six honorable mentions for its 2022 coverage. It was the sixth consecutive year Bisnow took home prizes from the national competition. 


Bisnow's Jon Banister, Jarred Schenke, Catie Dixon, Mike Phillips, Ethan Rothstein, Miriam Hall, Mark Bonner, Olivia Lueckemeyer, Katharine Carlon and Dees Stribling

“Our newsroom is fearlessly dedicated to chronicling, analyzing and investigating one of the most powerful industries on the planet. And these honors from NAREE validate, once again, that that commitment is resolute,” said Mark Bonner, Bisnow editor-in-chief and vice president of content. “The work of our reporters and editors is not only a core tenet of our global business, but an essential pillar of the multitrillion-dollar real estate industry. Congratulations to all of our winners.”

Atlanta reporter Jarred Schenke, Dallas-Fort Worth reporter Olivia Lueckemeyer and Houston reporter Lane Gillespie took the top prize for best team report for their investigation into the tug of war between Wall Street’s surge in single-family property purchasing and the would-be owner-occupiers of those homes — and what the trend means for housing affordability and the makeup of communities around America.  

Bronze for best international report went to UK Editor Mike Phillips for his piece on the impacts of a growing population renting for life. East Coast Deputy Editor Jon Banister also won third place for his collection on public and private efforts to house Afghan refugees

Lueckemeyer’s byline graced six of the 10 awards, including an honorable mention for best commercial real estate story for her piece on Amazon’s takeover of the building materials supply chain and its impact on the rest of the construction industry. 

“Our newsroom’s unwavering commitment to journalism continually leaves me in awe, and I know our readers and customers feel the same way,” Bisnow CEO Gregg Mayer said.

“After all, they represent the largest audience in the commercial real estate industry — and that would not be possible without our incredible team of reporters and editors.”

Bisnow received the following awards and recognitions:

Best Team Report: 

GOLD WINNER: Jarred Schenke, Olivia Lueckemeyer and Lane Gillespie, As Wall Street Nudges The Nation Toward Rentership, Community Resentment And Pushback Are Building

Judges’ Comment: Great pieces often take on societal issues — in this case, so-called predatory purchasing that leaves Americans who would once have been able to buy houses only able to rent them, often from less-than-ideal corporate landlords. The authors never editorialize, but they use powerful quotes, such as one that asks, “Do we want to promote the crack dealers of housing, or do we want to promote American families?”

BRONZE WINNER: Dees Stribling, Olivia Lueckemeyer, Bianca Barragán and Joseph Gordon, SPECIAL REPORT: CRE Made Limited Progress On Diversity In 2022. Advocates Worry Momentum Is Waning

HONORABLE MENTION: Katharine Carlon, Miriam Hall, Olivia Lueckemeyer, Bianca Barragán and Kate Murar, Two Years Of Pandemic Changed Everything For Women In CRE 

Best International Real Estate Story: 

BRONZE WINNER: Mike Phillips, Renting For Life Will Change Society — For Better And For Worse

Best Residential Real Estate Collection: 

BRONZE WINNER: Jon Banister, selected works:

Best Commercial Real Estate Collection: 

HONORABLE MENTION: Olivia Lueckemeyer, selected works: 

Best Online Commercial Real Estate Story: 

HONORABLE MENTION: Olivia Lueckemeyer, Amazon Crushes Building Materials Supply Chain, Sends Shockwaves Through Construction Industry

Best Online Residential Story:

HONORABLE MENTION: Ethan Rothstein, Bianca Barragán, Jon Banister, Miriam Hall, Olivia Lueckemeyer, Mike Phillips, Matthew Rothstein, Jarred Schenke, Dees Stribling, David Thame, Lane Gillespie, Brian Rogal and Jacob Wallace, 'One Crisis After Another': How Covid Has Turned Affordable Housing Development Into A High-Wire Act

Best Investigative Report: 

HONORABLE MENTION: Dan Rabb, Data Centers Don't Have To Be Water Hogs. But Even In A Record Drought, Some Still Are

Best Multi-Platform Package: 

HONORABLE MENTION: Miriam Hall, Jon Banister, Olivia Lueckemeyer, Dees Stribling, Bianca Barragán and Joseph Gordon, Bisnow's 2022 DEI Data Series

Related Topics: NAREE, NAREE journalism awards